Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Fight Club

One of the best movies of the last century is Fight Club directed by David Fincher. The movie is based on the novel by Chuck Palaniuk. I will divide my story of the movie to 5 parts.

1. The Narrator.
Story is telling from the first person. We don’t know his name. We just can guess his name is Jack by the quotes: I am Jack’s wasted life, I am Jack’s broken heart etc. Well, the narrator is working for the car company and his main job is investigating of car crashes for the insurance. He has to fly several times a week because of his job. He’s making good money. He has very nice apartement with the well designed furniture. He has everything but happiness. And also he has an insomnia. He goes to a doctor and the doctor advices him to go to a testicular cancer victims club and see real problems of the people. He goes to the club, and meets Bob - former bodybuilder with hormonal disorder. Bob has huge boobs like a woman. After a few times of coming narrator starts to feel better. He sleeps well, he feels calm and happy. He tries another clubs with other disseases. He doesn’t have any of them however he goes there everyday.

2. Marla.
But one day he meets Marla. She also comes to these clubs for a fun. And he knows it, He doesn’t feel the same after Marla. His insomnia is coming back. He talks with her, and asks her to quit. Because she’s healthy and doesn’t need it. Marla answers that she won’t quit and she know that he also doesn’t have any cancer. Then they decide to divide clubs between them.

3. Tyler.
One day, when he flew, he met Tyler Durden. That was the name of the guy who was sitting next to him in a plane. Tyler told him that he’s making a soap. Then Tyler gave him his number, and told him that he can call him if he has a trouble. When he comes to his apartment he finds that the apartment was blown. He calls to Tyler and tells him that he wants to meet. They meet in a pub, drink a beer, he tells the story about apartment and he doesn’t have a place to live. Tyler invites him to his house. But he has to do a favour to him. Tyler asks to punch him on the face.

4. Fight Club.
They decide to create a club, where the men can beat each other. They create the rules of the club. First rule is: Do not talk about fight club. Well they create the secret club. Not everyone allowed to join this club. Their headquarter is Tyler’s house. Actually it is abandoned house with broken windows and old scratchy wooden stuff. In the beginning narrator and Tyler were live there alone. But now it’s a home of the fight club members. One day Marla calls to narrator and says that she got too much pills and she’s dying. He doesn’t pay attention on that and puts the phone. Tyler sees the phone and answers. Then he brings Marla to the house and they have a sex. Narrator hears it and gets upset. He kicks her out in the morning.

5. Anarchy
Tyler uses fight club for anarchy. They burn shops, crash statues, fight against the government. And one day Tyler disappears. But club still exists. Narrator decides to find him. He flies to places where Tyler was. And in every city he finds another fight club branch. But he can’t catch Tyler. In the hotel he calls Marla and they have conversation about their relations. Marla calls him Tyler. He realizes that He is Tyler. He has identity disorder and Tyler is one of his identification. He goes to the police and tells about fight club. But officers are also members of fight club and they have rule if mr Tyler comes to police they have to destroy him and Marla. Narrator and Tyler have a dialogue. Tyler shows bombs which will blow up some buildings. But narrator tells he doesn’t want to destroy anything. He puts a gun into his mouth and shots. Tyler disappears but they cannot do anything and bombs are detonated. In the end of movie Marla holds his hand and they watch the crash of buildings out of window.

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